Stretch Goals: Necessity for Boosting Employee Motivation

Unfamiliar to the concept of stretch goals? Don’t worry, our aim is to get you all covered on the basics. 

As companies strive to fulfill their mission, improve performance and profits, they may set stretch goals. If you’re leading a team, it’s worth considering if a stretch goal is appropriate for your project. 

In this article, we will look into the meaning and significance of stretch goals and tips and questions on setting effective stretch goals that can transform your business. 

What Exactly are Stretch Goals?

Stretch goals are an effective means of encouraging companies to take on challenging tasks that expand their current capacities. These ambitious objectives require an extraordinary amount of effort and dedication from teams, pushing them to aspire to high levels of success. 

Although some stretch goals may be unrealistic, they serve the purpose of motivating employees to aim for exceptional results beyond their initial goals. 

Achieving a stretch goal can lead to outstanding outcomes and growth for the company. It will also help boost productivity and motivation amongst individuals. By stretching themselves to reach these goals, companies can achieve greater success than they might have thought possible.

So how exactly do you set these game changing stretch goals? We are glad you asked because the concept is a little new to most readers. However, you needn’t have any fear, as we are here. 

Here are the 6 best questions to ask yourself and tips to start setting effective stretch goals for your business. 

  1. Do the Goals Fit Right for Your Team?

Prior to embarking on the stretch goal process, it’s crucial to determine whether it aligns with your team’s capacities. While some individuals thrive on pursuing seemingly impossible tasks, others may prefer more realistic and attainable goals. 

To boost your team’s preferences and preferred motivational strategies, consider initiating a group discussion and let them decide if it’s a right fit.

Additionally, researching how other businesses have successfully implemented stretch goals can provide valuable insight. Use whatever options you can get and use them to make your approach to discussing the goals as easy as possible. 

  1. What is the Possibility of Your Stretch Goal Becoming a Success? 

As a team leader, it’s important to be realistic when creating stretch goals for your team. Start by setting a reasonable goal for your project and then build a stretch goal based on that. Stretch goals should be challenging, but not so impossible that employees become discouraged. 

You can assess your team’s abilities and past performances to determine what is achievable. It’s also important to consider the resources available to you for example time and budget. 

Throughout the project, stay flexible and adjust the stretch goal as needed based on new information. By setting realistic and achievable stretch goals, you can help your team perform at their best and achieve success.

  1. Allow Your Team to Set Stretch Goals

When you separate goal setting from performance evaluation and rewards, it can give your team more freedom to set ambitious stretch goals that are tailored to the project’s requirements.

Without being tied to a specific target, your team can set more challenging goals without the fear of failing. This allows them to align their targets with the stretch goals set by executive leadership, creating a cohesive vision for the project.

By giving your team the freedom to set their goals, they may feel more invested in the project’s success, leading to better results. Ultimately, separating goal setting from performance evaluation can help your team achieve their full potential and achieve ambitious stretch goals.

  1. Give Your Team the Flexibility in Editing Stretch Goals

Stretch goals are typically measured relative to market competition rather than specific targets. This approach provides teams with the flexibility to adjust their goals as needed. 

By not being tied to a specific target, teams can make changes at the team level without any authorizations provided they continue to improve their performance. This flexibility allows teams to stay agile and adapt their goals to changing circumstances or emerging opportunities. 

As a result, teams can achieve better results and make progress towards their overall objectives. By using relative measurements and providing teams with autonomy, stretch goals can lead to improved performance and a more dynamic approach to goal setting.

  1. Keep the Power of Motivation Flowing

Stretch goals can be challenging to achieve, so it’s important to keep a team motivated and focused on the outcome. A useful technique for achieving this is to visualize the goal and track progress towards it. 

One effective way to do this is by creating a large calendar in a communal office space or digital platform that displays the team’s progress towards their goal. This calendar can serve as a reminder of what the team is working towards and help them stay on track.

By visualizing their progress, teams can see how far they have come and what steps they need to take to reach their stretch goal. This approach can also foster a sense of collaboration and teamwork, as team members work together to achieve their shared objective. 

That’s how a single calendar can be a powerful tool in achieving stretch goals. Just by keeping the team motivated and focused on the goal. 

  1. How Lifetick can Help You in Setting Stretch Goals in 2023

Are you struggling to set effective stretch goals for your business? Fear not, we at Lifetick are here to solve all your problems. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of creating realistic and versatile stretch goals that push your team to a level of success that you can only dream of.  

Our approach is based on six key questions that ensure your stretch goals align with your team’s capacities, are realistic, and remain flexible throughout the project. We will help you achieve greater success than you thought possible by providing your team with the right tools to stay motivated and focused.

Every minute you spend double thinking about this, you could be one step closer to setting effective stretch goals. So don’t waste your time, check Lifetick out today!


In conclusion, stretch goals can be a powerful tool to motivate employees and drive business growth. While they may seem daunting at first, setting realistic and achievable stretch goals can lead to outstanding outcomes and boost productivity and motivation amongst individuals. 

When setting stretch goals, it’s important to consider whether they align with your team’s capacities, be realistic, and allow your team to set their goals. Additionally, flexibility is key, allowing teams to adjust their goals as needed and visualize their progress towards their goal to stay motivated.

By following these best practices, your team can achieve its full potential and reach heights you might have thought were impossible.

Create your next goal now.