
Creating dreams

Dreams are like goals before they are born. Lifetick allows you to capture dreams that one day you may want to start working toward achieving in which case you would convert them to a goal. By having a whole section for Dreams, you can be free to put all your imaginative thoughts into one space.

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Convert a dream to a goal

When you are ready to start working towards a dream, you should convert it to a goal so you can add tasks and due dates. You can then add your tasks to the goal. Again, for any dream that was previously a goal that has been converted back, all your entered tasks will still be available with due dates saving you time when setting up your goal.

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Convert a goal to a dream

Should you decide you aren’t ready to start or continue working on your goal, rather than delete it and lose all the work you have contributed to date, you can simply convert it to a Dream. Dreams are like goals before they are born. Lifetick allows you to capture dreams that one day you may want to start working toward achieving in which case you would convert them to a goal. By having a whole section for Dreams, you can be free to put all your imaginative thoughts into one space.

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