Creating goals

In the Goals screen, click on the ‘Add goal’ button.

Enter the name of the goal first. Try keep in mind the principles of S.M.A.R.T.  goals as described on the screen.

If you are a paid subscriber, you can select financial options to measure the success of your goal. These allow you to allocate financial values to individual tasks later on.

Indicate how this goal is relevant to your life by selecting a Core Value. These are the areas that are important in your life and the way in which you will group your goals. You can add, edit and delete your Core Values at any time, but you must ensure every goal links to a Core Value.

The next part is important. Spend some time describing why you want to complete this goal. This will be what you reflect on during your journey toward achieving this goal.

Whilst it’s important to have the WHAT defined correctly, it’s even more important to really understand the WHY

We often need to remind ourselves of what really matters to keep us motivated whilst working toward our goal.

Your next step is to add tasks to your newly created goal…