Customise trackers on Personal Dashboard

By default, all trackers available on your dashboard. However, you may wish to refine what you see. Having the trackers available on the Dashboard makes adding tracker values easier.

This article will help you customize the trackers that can be displayed on the Dashboard.

Individual accounts

For Individual accounts, click on ‘Journal’ on the left-hand side part of the screen.

Organisation Accounts

Organisations with user roles such as coach/manager/teacher or anyone with a higher position have to go to ‘My Lifetick’ first before they can access ‘Journal.’

Once inside the Journal window, click on ‘Configure Trackers.’

Then select which tracker you would like to show or hide from your Dashboard.

When the box ‘Show this tracker on my dashboard’ is ticked, that tracker will be displayed on the dashboard, and if otherwise, the tracker will be hidden.

Once this is set you can view your dashboard and easily access the relevant trackers.
You can add tracker values from the dashboard without needing to access ‘Journal.’