A year to remember, a year to forget?

Often we can be quick to forget about what we have been through in an attempt to release ourselves from the pain and suffering associated. Nevertheless, these experiences are those that shape us the most. I am a great believer that everything is learned in failure. But there is more to it than that. I’m reminded of a brilliant quote from Aldous Huxley:

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all lessons that history has to teach.”

Simple yet profound and certainly something worth bearing in mind as we mentally and emotionally prepare ourselves for the year ahead. It is not just our own experiences, but those of people around us, the work place and at a global level that have the capacity to impact us not just indirectly, but often very directly.

Perhaps in thinking about your goals for the next 12 months, one simple exercise could be to think of three things first:

1) What have I learned about myself the last 12 months?

2) What have I learned about the world in the last 12 months?

3) What have I learned about the nature of humanity in the last 12 month?

Why consider these things? Well, at a practical level the answers may in fact impact your priorities. But at a deeper level it may just help you determine whether the goals you had in mind are the right ones for you.

Regardless, of your approach we wish you the best of luck. The process of setting and achieving goals is as much about the journey as it is about the destination, so find a way to appreciate the journey because it will be tough, but it will be worth it.