Life is filled with new beginnings. New school, new job, new spouse, new child. At a grander level we have New Year for the western world and subsequently Chinese New Year for many in the east. Today, marks Easter, a celebration for Christians all over the world that also speaks to us of something new. What each of these occasions offers, be they small or large, is an opportunity to “begin again”.
Beginning again is a beautiful concept because it can never disappear or become irrelevant. There is always the opportunity to do it. Even if I were to begin again today, I could completely stuff it up and still begin again tomorrow. And the next day. What is important is that we let these events in our lives inspire us in some way so we have the mindset that wants to begin again.
Beginning again relates to many aspects of our lives. I think back fondly to the days when I played Rugby League (yes, that is different to Rugby Union, but I did in fact play both codes). We had a very wise coach who was able to impart to us and instil in us a mantra that was all about beginning again. It was inspiring in both its simplicity and its effect. He simply made sure we always said to each other “We score next”. Had he said “Don’t let them score” or “Don’t miss a tackle”, then our belief system would be shaken as soon as either one of those events occurred. (Not to mention, they were focusing on negatives and not positives). Instead, he had has looking forward no matter what the setback was on the field, no matter what the score was. It kept us focused and regardless of whether the opposition scored or we scored, we could still look each other in the eye and say “We score next”. We could just as easily have said to each other, “Let’s begin again”.
There will always be opportunities for you to begin again. All you have to do is to be open to them and embrace them.