Maximizing adoption: Change Management considerations for implementing Lifetick

In order to successfully implement Lifetick at a company or school, the organisation needs to ensure it can answer the following questions:

  1. What is our number one objective?
    A clear objective ensures your users have a purposeful use of Lifetick that in turn means they are able to better perform their roles in the achievement of the goals they describe.
  2. What does success look like?
    Your organisation needs a measurable way to confirm that adopting Lifetick has been successful. This may include qualitative and quantitative factors. Some examples include: Achievement of the goals set within the required timeframe, improved cohesion within projects/teams, clearer communication lines, higher results for students, increased scores in employee satisfaction surveys.
  3. What do we want to communicate to our people prior to the launch?
    With any new initiative it’s important for people to understand:
    1. Why the program is being introduced.
    2. What you expect to achieve as a result of it being implemented.
    3. When it will take place.
    4. How your people/students will be trained.
  4. How do we as a leaders “role model” the new behaviours?
    How will your leaders or teachers use Lifetick for their own goals and how will they support their subordinates or students in their goal pursuits?
  5. How will we train our end users?
    1. Whilst Lifetick is quite intuitive and has online learning resources, you want to ensure you show them the How… and the Why.
    2. What are your ways of working as an organisation that will impact their use of Lifetick?
    3. Can you provide clear guidance on the context of Lifetick within your organisation?
  6. How will you measure and encourage ongoing use and performance?
    Keeping people engaged with Lifetick over the longer term is important because this will drive accountability and persistence for the tougher goals.

As you can see, Change Management plays a significant role in the adoption and success of Lifetick for your people and organisation. Should you need any advice or support from our experienced team, please reach out. We also offer a Rapid Deployment Program to businesses and schools that meet our Enterprise criteria, so please Contact Us and we will be ready to assist.